Manage Teams

Synergy Glossary
Player Stats Glossary
Goalie Stats Glossary
AD: Arm Day +2 Slap Shot Power, Body Checking, Strength, Def AwarenessPlayer:4
BL: Hold the Blue Line +2 Slap Shot Accuracy, Puck Control, Off Awareness, Shot BlockingPlayer:3
BM: Breakout Master +3 Acceleration, Wrist Shot PowerPlayer:4
CP: Clutch Player +2 Endurance, Wrist Shot Accuracy, Puck ControlPlayer:4
CS: Call the Shot +2 Slap Shot Accuracy, Wrist Shot Accuracy, Off AwarenessPlayer:4
DK: Do Your Dekes +3 Agility, Deking, Puck ControlPlayer:4
DZ: Dangler Zone +2 Deking, Hand-Eye, Puck ControlPlayer:4
HH: Heavy Hitters +4 Body Checking, Strength, Def AwarenessPlayer:4
HT: Hammer Time +2 Slap Shot Power, Body Checking, StrengthPlayer:4
M: Magician +4 Stick Checking, FaceoffsPlayer:4
NP: Net Front Presence +3 Balance, Hand-Eye, Strength, Off AwarenessPlayer:5
RS: Rock Solid +3 Endurance, Body Checking, Durability, DisciplinePlayer:5
TN: Thread the Needle +3 Slap Shot Accuracy, Wrist Shot Accuracy, PassingPlayer:6
WK: Workhorse +2 Balance, Endurance, Speed, DurabilityPlayer:4
WM: Wingman +2 Acceleration, Wrist Shot Accuracy, PassingPlayer:4
X: X-Factor +2 Agility, Speed, Slap Shot Power, Wrist Shot PowerPlayer:6
1T: One-Timer Efficiency +3 Slap Shot Power, Hand-Eye, Passing, Off AwarenessTeam:10
B: Long Range Bomber +3 Slap Shot Accuracy, Slap Shot Power, Off AwarenessTeam:10
CG: Cycle Game +2 Agility, Endurance, Passing, Puck ControlTeam:10
CW: Concrete Wall +3 Strength, Durability, Def Awareness, Shot BlockingTeam:10
FB: For the Boys +3 Balance, Endurance, Shot Blocking, FaceoffsTeam:10
RD: Razzle Dazzle +2 Acceleration, Deking, Puck ControlTeam:10
RG: Run and Gun +2 Acceleration, Agility, Balance, Puck ControlTeam:10
S: Silky Smooth +3 Acceleration, Agility, Deking, Puck ControlTeam:10
SB: Team Shot Blocking +4 Agility, Balance, Durability, Shot BlockingTeam:10
SP: Sustained Pressure +3 Speed, Passing, Puck Control, DurabilityTeam:10
TK: Takeaway Kings +3 Agility, Aggression, Def Awareness, Stick CheckingTeam:8
WC: Wrecking Crew +3 Acceleration, Body Checking, Strength, DisciplineTeam:10
OVR: Overall
aOVR: Adjusted Overall without Poise, Faceoffs, Durability, Fighting, Discipline.
DEK: Deking
HAE: Hand-Eye
PAS: Passing
PC: Puck Control
SSA: Slap Shot Accuracy
SSP: Slap Shot Power
WSA: Wrist Shot Accuracy
WSP: Wrist Shot Power
ACC: Acceleration
AGI: Agility
BAL: Balance
END: Endurance
SPD: Speed
DIS: Discipline
OAW: Offensive Awareness
POI: Poise
DAW: Defensive Awareness
FO: Faceoffs
BLK: Shot Blocking
SCH: Stick Checking
AGR: Aggression
CHK: Checking
DUR: Durability
FS: Fighting Skill
STR: Strength
OVR: Overall
GH: Glove High
GL: Glove Low
5H: 5 Hole
SH: Stick High
SL: Stick Low
SR: Shot Recovery
AGG: Aggression
AGI: Agility
SPD: Speed
END: Endurance
DUR: Durability
POS: Positioning
BA: Breakaway
VIS: Vision
POI: Poise
PC: Poke Check
RBC: Rebound Control
PAS: Passing